Tequila Worldwide

There are four main challenges to overcome for the Tequila Appellation of Origin at the international level, related to unfair competition:

Imitations and comparisons that deceive the consumer.

Product counterfeiting and adulteration

Illegal use of the Appellation of Origin.

Imports of agave distillates such as Tequila.

We are

important part of

Tequila’s line of defense


línea de defensa del Tequila a nivel mundial


Scotch Whisky Association
Bureau Interprofessionel of Cognac
Bureau Interprofessionel of Cognac
Interprofessional Committee of Champagne Wine
Interprofessional Committee of Champagne Wine
Asociación Dominicana de Productores de Ron
Dominican Association of Rum Producers
Consorzio Prosecco
Consejo Regulador DOCa Rioja
DOCa Rioja Control Board

Ribera del Duero Control Board

Consejo Regulador de la Denominación de Origen Pisco
Regulatory Council of the Pisco Appellation of Origin
Regulatory Council Brandy de Jerez
Spanish Federation of Spirits (FEBE)

Brazilian Cachaça Institute

Mesa Sectorial de Ka'a He'ê - Stevia de la Red de Inversiones y Exportaciones (REDIEX)
Ka’a He’ê – Stevia Sector Committee for the Investment and Exports Network (REDIEX)
Organización Mundial de Aduanas (OMA)
World Customs Organization

Madrid Public Health Laboratory