The Certification Body of the Consejo Regulador del Tequila, A.C. is the only Compliance Assessment Body accredited to certify Tequila NOM compliance, according to the initial certification scheme and a follow-up assessment process compliant with the Procedure for Compliance Assessment of the Official Mexican Standard NOM-006-SCFI-2012, Alcoholic Beverages Tequila-Specifications, published on May 10, 2022. It is also approved by the General Directorate of Standards of the Ministry of Economy, which certifies its results.

The Certification Body is the accredited and approved legal entity that has the purpose of performing certification procedures, and its creation is approved by the competent agencies under the terms established in the Quality Infrastructure Law.


Certification NOM-006-SCFI-2012 Alcoholic Beverages – Tequila – Specifications is an Official Mexican Standard that states the specifications and quality criteria to produce Tequila and was issued by the Mexican Ministry of Economy. This standard regulates aspects such as allowed ingredients, production processes, bottling, labeling, among various other issues related to the production and trade of Tequila. This certification is fundamental for producers to comply with the standards, offering consumers an authentic product, such as Tequila.


NOM Compliance Certification is granted to the Authorized Producer, individual or legal entity that has facilities located in the territory included in the Declaration of the Appellation of Origin and that is engaged in the production of Tequila as part of its activities. This certification is subject to compliance with the provisions contained in NOM-006-SCFI-2012 – Alcoholic Beverages – Tequila – Specifications, and other applicable provisions.


Prospects to Authorized Producers and Authorized Producers.

Documentation to be obtained:

Certificate of Compliance with the Standard for Tequila and/or Technical Opinion for Tequila 100%.

Validity of the document:

Approved for 1 calendar year that is automatically renewed (if compliance with the conditions under which it was issued continues to be met).

Response time:

5 working days.

Address for completing this procedure:

Offices of the Tequila Regulatory Council at Av. Patria no. 723, C.P. 45030, Jardines de Guadalupe, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico.

Opening hours:

From 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.

For inquiries:

(33)1002-1900 ext. 1906 and 1908.


  1. Technical Opinion issued by the Tequila Regulatory Council.
  2. Authorization for the use of the Appellation of Origin Tequila (DOT) issued by the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI).
  3. Authorization to produce Tequila and/or Tequila 100%, issued by the General Directorate of Standards (DGN) of the Ministry of Economy.
  4. Producer's Registration Number that will accompany the NOM Official Password issued by the Tequila Regulatory Council.
  5. Certificate of Compliance with the Standard valid for one year (once requirements 1 through 4 have been completed).


  1. Authorization for the use of the Appellation of Origin Tequila (DOT).
    See information.
  2. DGN Authorization: Authorization to Produce Tequila and/or 100% Tequila
    Read information.
  3. NOM Password and Authorized Producer Registration Number The Authorized Producer Registration Number is a distinction that is accompanied by the official password (NOM), which allows consumers to verify that the products or services they purchase have complied with the quality standards of the Mexican Official Standards, thus achieving greater control of the companies in the market and guaranteeing the quality of the products to the final consumer.

The password is composed of three parts:

  1. It starts with the acronym NOM.
  2. The Authorized Producer Registration Number is composed of four digits.
  3. The acronym CRT


According to the Official Mexican Standard NOM-006-SCFI-2012 Alcoholic Beverages – Tequila – Specifications, each container of Tequila must display a clear label that contains information stated by the standard in Spanish and must be accurate and not mislead the consumer as to the nature and characteristics of Tequila.

Below you can download all the information for commercial labeling of Tequila in PDF format.



Producers and non-producer brand holders.

Documentation to be obtained:

Tequila trademark certification.

Response time:

5 days.

Address for completing this procedure:

Offices of the Tequila Regulatory Council at Av. Patria no. 723, C.P. 45030, Jardines de Guadalupe, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico.

Opening hours:

From 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.

For inquiries:

(33)1002-1900 ext. 1906 y 1908


Authorized Producers who intend to commercialize a trademark must submit the following documents only once:

  1. Plain copy of the Trademark Registration Title.

Trademark Holders who are not Authorized Producers and who intend to commercialize a Tequila trademark in Mexico or abroad must submit a single copy to the Certification Body:

  1. Plain copy of the Trademark Registration Title (individual or legal entity).
  2. Original document of the Joint Responsibility Agreement (bottling agreement format) ) for bottling between the Authorized Producer and the holder of the trademark and a plain copy of authorization of the agreement by the IMPI.
  3. One set of labels or label project.
  4. 2. Application for the Provision of Services and Client's Obligations (download application).


The Tequila category can be bottled in plants outside an Authorized Producer, the bottler can only filter and dilute the Tequila with fresh, distilled or demineralized water to obtain the commercial alcoholic content of Tequila within the parameters allowed in NOM-006-SCFI-2012. Therefore, the product may not be aged or decanted.


Bottlers of Tequila in Mexico.

Documentation to be obtained:

Certification to Tequila Bottlers in Mexico.

Validity of the documentation:

Undefined (as long as it complies with the conditions under which it was issued, and the trademark is still current).

Address for completing this procedure:

Offices of the Tequila Regulatory Council at Av. Patria no. 723, C.P. 45030, Jardines de Guadalupe, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico.

Opening hours:

From 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.

For inquiries:

(33)1002-1900 ext. 1906 y 1908


  1. Plain copy of the Certificate of Approval of Packers (CAE) issued by the General Directorate of Standards (DGN) of the Ministry of Economy (download certificate).
  2. OOriginal document of the Joint Responsibility Agreement ((download format) for bulk products between the Authorized Producer and the packer and a plain copy of the authorization of the agreement issued by the IMPI.
  3. Plain copy of the Trademark Registration Title.
  4. One set of labels or label project.
  5. Supplier's Services and Client's Obligations Application (download application).
  6. Opinion Questionnaires Part 3 and Part 4 ( download part 3 and part 4).
  7. Notarized copy of the company's articles of incorporation, specifying the name of the main executives and legal representative.
  8. Copy of the Federal Taxpayers Registry (RFC).
  9. Copy of the last annual income tax return, or registration of the company with the Tax Authorities for new companies.
  10. Copy of the document that certifies the full possession of the property valid for at least one year (deeds, lease contract or bailment contract, written document from the ejido commissariat, etc.).


The Tequila category may be bottled in plants outside an Authorized Producer. The bottler can only filter and dilute the Tequila with fresh, distilled or demineralized water to obtain the commercial alcoholic content of Tequila within the parameters allowed in NOM-006-SCFI-2012. Therefore, the product may not be aged or decanted.


Bottlers of Tequila abroad.

Documentation to be obtained:

Certification to Bottlers of Tequila Abroad.

Validity of the documentation:

Undefined (if it complies with the conditions under which it was issued, and the trademark is still current).

Address for completing this procedure:

Offices of the Tequila Regulatory Council at Av. Patria no. 723, C.P. 45030, Jardines de Guadalupe, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico.

Opening hours:

From 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

For inquiries:

(33)1002-1900 ext. 1906 y 1908


  1. Plain copy of the Certificate of Approval of Packers (CAE) issued by the General Directorate of Standards (DGN) of the Ministry of Economy (download certificate).
  2. Original Joint Responsibility Agreement (download format) for bulk goods between the Authorized Producer and the packer and a plain copy of the authorization of the agreement issued by IMPI.
  3. One set of labels or label project.

Once this documentation is completed, the bottler may obtain from the CRT the Registration Number of the Bottlers Registry in the Certification Body, and is required to report on a quarterly basis to the CRT Conformity Assessment Body all incoming and outgoing shipment activities of Tequila from its facilities, its initial and final inventories for the period, as well as waste, in accordance with section of NOM-006-SCFI-2012 Alcoholic Beverages - Tequila - Specifications.


Certificates of Authenticity for Exports cover only the lot to be sold; therefore, for each individual export, a certificate must be requested by category, class, alcohol content and brand of Tequila, and it may include up to a maximum of four different capacities. The trademark must be registered and, if applicable, have a Binding and Joint Responsibility Agreement authorized by IMPI. If a License of Use or assignment of rights exists, such documents must be sent to the CRT.



Documentation to be obtained:

Certificate of Authenticity for Tequila Exports.

Validity of the document:

One use per lot

Response time:

Two working days

Address for completing this procedure:

Offices of the Tequila Regulatory Council at Av. Patria no. 723, C.P. 45030, Jardines de Guadalupe, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico.

Opening hours:

From 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

For inquiries:

(33)1002-1900 ext. 1906 y 1908


  1. The applicant must submit to CRT's offices a first and single time the Service Provision Application and the Client's Obligations (download applications). These must be signed in the original document, printed in color and either typed or electronically typed (not handwritten).
  2. Send an e-mail to request access to the Export Application Program, as well as the assignment of passwords and username (please provide your full name). If you are about to export, we recommend that in the same email you request the registration of your importer client, providing the name and address as it will appear on the invoice, to expedite the process. The mail should be sent to exportacion@crt.org.mx. You must have internet access at the factory, the e-mail address should preferably be from the company.
  3. The application for the Certificate of Authenticity for Exports must be made electronically through the Extranet page where you must log in with your access codes:
    1. Order No. (Optional) to identify the product.
    2. Type of sale (packaged or bulk).
    3. Customer.
    4. Address.
    5. Type of Tequila (blanco, joven, reposado, añejo, extra añejo).
    6. Alcohol content.
    7. Category (Tequila or Tequila 100%).
    8. Flavor (if required).
    9. Brand name.
    10. Lot number(s) (only for bottling).
    11. Number of cases, bottles per case and bottle capacity (for bottling only).
    12. Transportation container (bulk only).
    13. Quantity (number of containers, bulk only).
    14. Quantity of liters (bulk only).
    15. Customs office of departure.
    16. Terms of Sale.
    17. Address for sampling (enter manually if you require a different address than the one shown) street, number, municipality and state.
  4. The approval of the application for the Certificate of Authenticity for Exports is conditioned to the fulfillment of the following requirements:
    1. That the Authorized Producer has the Certificate of Compliance with the Standard.
    2. That the Tequila brand to be exported is certified (Certification for the Commercialization of Tequila Brands).
    3. If the exports are for bulk sales in which Tequila is bottled, the bottler must have the Bottlers' Approval Certificate, and once obtained, it must be registered before the Bottlers' Register in the CRT (Certification to Tequila Bottlers in Mexico and/or abroad).
  5. Once the application has been sent and approved, the applicant must upload in the same electronic application program the commercial sales invoice in PDF format, which must match the data provided in the application, in addition to entering the invoice number and the amount in dollars that covers the application. In addition to the above, traders, individuals or legal entities that are not producers or packers, must upload (in PDF format) the commercial invoice of product purchase (they must be scanned in a single file, both the purchase invoice and the sales invoice). If a trademark use license exists between the Trademark Holder and the trader, the purchase invoice will not be required.


  1. The information provided in the exports request, will be validated by the system and will be automatically approved.
  2. Once the request is approved, the appointed verifier will go to the specified sampling address to review the product and will issue a document in support of the request.
  3. The status of the application may be consulted by the interested party via internet.
  4. The Certificate issuance time will be subject to compliance with the minimum requirements and the availability of the product in the plant to be verified. It is necessary to call the Certification Body for confirming the delivery time of the Certificate(s).
  5. If the product is not available at the Authorized Producer's facilities, there will be an additional cost (see fees in comptroller's office).
  6. The certificate will be delivered at the offices of the Consejo Regulador del Tequila, located at Av. Patria no. 723, Col. Jardines de Guadalupe C.P. 45030, Zapopan, Jalisco.


  1. The exporter must be registered in the Sectorial Register of Exporters.
  2. Contact a Customs Broker to process the Export Declaration.
  3. During customs clearance, exporters must submit to the customs authority, among other documents, the original document and the Certificate of Authenticity for Tequila Exports.


Certification NMX-V-049-NORMEX-2004 Alcoholic Beverages – Alcoholic Beverages containing Tequila – Appellation, Labeling and Specifications is a specific Mexican Standard for the production, bottling and trade of alcoholic beverages that contain Tequila as an ingredient. The main objective of the standard is to guarantee that products made with Tequila comply with regulatory quality standards, thus providing consumers with certainty as to the origin and authenticity of the Tequila they consume.


The Certification of Compliance to producers with the NMX-V-049-NORMEX-2004 in force is granted to the individual or legal entity engaged in the production of Alcoholic Beverages containing Tequila as part of its activities and is equipped with the necessary facilities for such production.


Authorized Producers of Alcoholic Beverages containing Tequila, such as: Tequila Liqueur, Liqueur with Tequila, Tequila Cream, Cream with Tequila, Tequila Cocktail, Cocktail with Tequila, Mixed Cocktail with Tequila, Mixed Alcoholic Beverage with or containing Tequila, and Mixed Alcoholic Beverage with Tequila.

Documentation to be obtained:

Certificate of Product Conformity for any of the above-mentioned beverages.

Validity of the document:

Approved for 1 calendar year that is automatically renewed (if compliance with the conditions under which it was issued continues to be met).

Response time:

5 working days.

Address for completing this procedure:

Offices of the Tequila Regulatory Council at Av. Patria no. 723, C.P. 45030, Jardines de Guadalupe, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico.

Opening hours:

From 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.

For inquiries:

(33)1002-1900 ext. 1906 y 1908


  1. Technical Opinion for Tequila beverages according to NMX-V-049-NORMEX-2004 classification.4.

    Once the required documentation is completed, the certification manager will issue the Certificate of Conformity with NMX-V-049-NORMEX-2004 according to the product covered by the Technical Opinion.


The Technical Opinions of compliance with NMX-V-049-NORMEX-2004 Alcoholic beverages containing Tequila – Appellation, Labeling and specifications in force, will be issued at the request of individuals or legal entities to obtain the certification of products made with or based on Tequila exclusively for the classification established by the standard.


Prospects to Producers of Alcoholic Beverages made with or based on Tequila.

Documentation to be obtained:

Technical Opinion.

Validity of the document:

Indefinido (mientras se siga cumplimiento con los supuestos que le dieron origen a su emisión).

Response time:

Undefined (if compliance with the conditions under which it was issued continues to be met).

Address for completing this procedure:

Offices of the Tequila Regulatory Council at Av. Patria no. 723, C.P. 45030, Jardines de Guadalupe, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico.

Opening hours:

From 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.

For inquiries:

(33)1002-1900 ext. 1906 y 1908


Those interested in this procedure that are Authorized Producers under NOM, must submit to the Certification Body the following information:

  1. Application for Inspection and Certification Services MO-RB/02 (download application).
  2. Inspection and Certification Services Application MO-RB/02 (download application).
  3. Plain copy of the document that certifies the full possession of the property where the production and packaging activities will be carried out, valid for at least 1 year.
  4. Plain copy of the Trademark Registration. When the trademark does not belong to the producer, it must comply with the requirements that apply to the Certification of Tequila Beverage Trademarks.
  5. Set of labels of the product to be certified.
  6. Document certifying that the facilities are suitable to carry out such activities, issued by the municipality, civil protection or other government agency, as applicable.
  7. Those interested in this procedure who are not Authorized Producers under NOM, must submit to the Certification Body in addition to the above, the following documents:

  8. Application for the Provision of Services and Customer Obligations MA2-FP/01 (download application).
  9. Certified copy of the company's articles of incorporation, specifying the name of the main executives and legal representative, or registration at the Tax Authorities for individuals.
  10. Plain copy of the Federal Taxpayers Registry (RFC).
  11. Plain copy of the Joint Responsibility Agreement for products made with or based on Tequila signed with an Authorized Producer (download agreement).
  12. Plain copy of the authorization of the Joint Responsibility Agreement by the IMPI.
  13. Certificate of Approval of Bottlers issued by the General Directorate of Standards of the Ministry of Economy.


The Certification of Compliance to producers with the NMX-V-049-NORMEX-2004 in force is granted to the individual or legal entity that is engaged in the production of Alcoholic Beverages containing Tequila as part of its activities and is equipped with the necessary facilities for such production.


Authorized Producers of Alcoholic Beverages containing Tequila, such as: Tequila Liqueur, Liqueur with Tequila, Tequila Cream, Cream with Tequila, Tequila Cocktail, Cocktail with Tequila, Mixed Cocktail containing Tequila, Mixed Alcoholic Beverage prepared with Tequila.

Documentation to be obtained:

Certificate of Product Conformity for any of the above-mentioned beverages.

Validity of the document:

Approved for 1 calendar year that is automatically renewed (if compliance with the conditions under which it was issued continues to be met).

Response time:

5 working days.

Address for completing this procedure:

Offices of the Tequila Regulatory Council at Av. Patria no. 723, C.P. 45030, Jardines de Guadalupe, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico.

Opening hours:

From 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.

For inquiries:

(33)1002-1900 ext. 1906 y 1908


  1. Technical Opinion for beverages with Tequila according to classification NMX-V-049-NORMEX-2004.

    Once the required documentation is completed, the certification manager will issue the Certificate of Conformity with NMX-V-049-NORMEX-2004 according to the product covered by the Technical Opinion.


Brands intended to be sold under the protection of NMX-V-049-NORMEX-2004 must be certified for sales.


Producers of Alcoholic Beverages made with or based on Tequila, Traders and Brand Owners.

Documentation to be obtained:

None (publishing of the certified trademark).

Validity of the document:

Undefined (as long as compliance with the conditions under which it was issued continues to be met and the trademark is still in effect).

Response time:

2 working days.

Address for completing this procedure:

Offices of the Tequila Regulatory Council at Av. Patria no. 723, C.P. 45030, Jardines de Guadalupe, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico.

Opening hours:

From 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.

For inquiries:

(33)1002-1900 ext. 1906 y 1908


  1. Plain copy of the trademark registration.
  2. A plain writing requesting the certification of the trademark to be registered, including the classification of the beverage to be bottled.
  3. When a trademark is intended to be commercialized under NMX-V-049-NORMEX-2004 whose owner is not a Tequila Beverage Producer, the following additional requirements must be submitted to the Certification Body:

  4. Agreement of supply of bottled beverages with NMX-V-049-NORMEX-2004 registered before the IMPI or the Trademark Use License (download agreement).
  5. Application for the Provision of Services (MAF01 format) with the information of the trader and/or Trademark Holder (download application).


Each container of alcoholic beverages containing Tequila must bear a clear label containing the regulatory information in Spanish, which must be accurate and must not mislead the consumer as to the nature and characteristics of the beverage, according to NMX-V-049-NORMEX-2004 Alcoholic Beverages containing Tequila – Appellation, Labeling and Specifications.
Download below all the information for the trade labeling of alcoholic beverages with Tequila in PDF format.


The Exports Certificate for Alcoholic Beverages with Tequila is an official document issued by the Tequila Regulatory Council (CRT) in Mexico, necessary to export products containing Tequila. This certificate is required by customs and import authorities in the receiving countries, to verify the authenticity and quality of the alcoholic beverages with Tequila. The Exports Certificate endorses that the products comply with Tequila regulations and manufacturing standards, which guarantees its authenticity and quality, thus reinforcing the trust and prestige of Tequila in international markets.


Producers of Alcoholic Beverages made with Tequila as an ingredient, traders and brand owners.

Documentation to be obtained:

Certification for Exports of Alcoholic Beverages with Tequila.

Validity of the documentation:

The Certificate covers only the batch subject to be traded.

Response time:

2 working days.

Address for completing this procedure:

Offices of the Tequila Regulatory Council at Av. Patria no. 723, C.P. 45030, Jardines de Guadalupe, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico.

Opening hours:

From 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.

For inquiries:

(33)1002-1900 ext. 1906 y 1908


  1. Each Exports Certificate must be requested by type of beverage:
    1. Mixed Alcoholic Beverage made from or with Tequila.
    2. Mixed Alcoholic Beverage made from or with Tequila./li>
    3. Cocktail made of or with Tequila.
    4. Cocktail with Tequila.
  2. The trademark must be registered and, if such is the case, it must have a Binding and Joint Responsibility Agreement authorized by the IMPI. If a Use License or assignment of rights exists, such documentation must also be sent to the CRT for its certification.
  3. The applicant must submit to the CRT's offices a first and single time the Service Rendering Application and the Client's Obligations (download forms) These must be signed in original, printed in color and either typed or electronically typed (not handwritten).
  4. The applicant must send an email tocontactobebidas@crt.org.mx to request access to the 049 export system for the assignment of passwords and user name (please provide your full name). If you are about to export, we recommend that in the same email you request the registration of your importer client, providing the name and address as it will appear on the invoice, to expedite the process. You must have internet access in the factory, the e-mail address should preferably be from the company.


  1. The application for a Certification of Exports for Alcoholic Beverages containing Tequila must be made electronically through the Extranet page, where the applicant must log in by entering access codes.
  2. The information requested is general information of the exporter and importer and general description of the product (type of beverage, % Alcohol Vol., brand, volume, general description of the product or type of beverage, % Alc. Vol., brand, volume, batch number) and exit customs.
  3. The approval of the application for the Certificate of Authenticity for Exports will be conditioned to the product being certified under NMX-V-049-NORMEX-2004 Alcoholic Beverages containing Tequila - Appellation, Labeling and Specifications.
  4. Once the application has been sent and approved, the applicant must upload in the same electronic application program the trade sales invoice in PDF format, which must match the data provided in the application, and enter the invoice number and the amount in dollars that covers such application.
  5. Individual or legal entities that are not producers or bottlers must upload (in PDF format), in addition to the above, the sales invoice for the purchase of the product (both the purchase invoice and the sales invoice must be scanned in a single file).


  1. The information provided in the exports request will be validated by the system and will be automatically approved.
  2. Once the request has been approved, the assigned inspector will go to the specified address to check the product for sampling and will issue a support document.
  3. For more information on the status of the request, the applicant may check it via Extranet.
  4. The time of issuance of the certificate will be subject to compliance with the minimum requirements and the availability of the product in the plant to be inspected. You must call the Certification Body to confirm the time of delivery of the Certificate(s).
  5. If the product is not at the Authorized Producer's facilities, there will be an additional cost (see fees in comptroller's office).
  6. The certificate will be delivered at the offices of the Consejo Regulador del Tequila, located at Av. Patria no. 723, Col. Jardines de Guadalupe C.P. 45030 Zapopan, Jalisco.


  1. The exporter must be registered in the Sectorial Register of Exporters.
  2. Contact a Customs Broker to process the Export Declaration.
  3. At the time of customs clearance, the exporter, among other documentation, must submit to the customs authority the original document and the Certification of Exports for Alcoholic Beverages containing Tequila.


The individual or legal entity that produces alcoholic beverages with Tequila as an ingredient in a foreign country must request to the Certification Body, through the Authorized Producer, the certification of all Tequila-based products.


Overseas producers of Alcoholic Beverages made with or Tequila-based products.

Documentation to obtain:

Certification of Exports for Alcoholic Beverages with Tequila.

Validity of the documentation:

Undefined (if compliance with the conditions that led to its issuance continues to be met and the trademark is still in effect).

Response time:

2 working days.

Address for completing this procedure

Offices of the Tequila Regulatory Council at Av. Patria no. 723, C.P. 45030, Jardines de Guadalupe, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico.

Opening hours:

From 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.

For inquiries:

(33)1002-1900 ext. 1906 y 1908


  1. Plain copy of the Joint Responsibility Agreement for products made with or based on Tequila, signed with an Authorized Producer (download agreement).
  2. Plain copy of the authorization of the joint responsibility agreement authorized by IMPI.
  3. Plain copy of the Bottlers Approval Certificate (CAE) issued by the General Directorate of Standards (DGN) of the Ministry of Economy (download certificate).
  4. Plain copy of the Trademark Registration.
  5. Set of labels or draft labels of the product to be certified.

Once the documentation mentioned above is submitted, the applicant may request the Certificate of Authenticity for the Export of Tequila (CAET), to produce beverages with or based on Tequila.

Once this documentation is provided, the bottler will also be able to obtain the Registration Number of the Bottlers' Register at the Certification Body and will be obliged to report on a quarterly basis to the CRT Conformity Assessment Body all movements of Tequila inputs and outputs from its facilities, its initial and final inventories for the period, as well as waste, in accordance with section of NOM-006-SCFI-2012 Alcoholic Beverages - Tequila - Specifications.