
The Tequila Regulatory Council is accredited as an Inspection Unit to assess the following standards: NOM-006-SCFI-2012 and NMX-V-049-NORMEX-2004 (Type B), NOM-142-SSA1/SCFI-2014 (Section 9) (Type A), regarding different aspects of production, labeling, trade and tequila exports, as well as alcoholic beverages that contain tequila as an ingredient.

As an Inspection Unit, the CRT issues opinions that are recognized by competent agencies, as well as by the CRT’s own Certification Body. Based on these opinions, both the authorities and the Certification Body may proceed according to the law and in accordance with their corresponding faculties.


In accordance with Official Mexican Standard NOM-006-SCFI-2012 Alcoholic Beverages – Tequila – Specifications, each container of Tequila must bear a legible label that contains all the information specified by the standard in Spanish, which must be truthful and not mislead the consumer as to the nature and characteristics of the Tequila.
Download below all the information for the commercial labeling of Tequila in PDF format.


The validation of facilities is necessary to ensure that the activities related to the Tequila production process in new facilities (bottling plant, maturation cellar, finished product cellar and bulk product cellar) comply with the current NOM-006-SCFI-2012.


Authorized Producers.

Documentation to obtain:

Validation letter of facilities.

Validity of the documentation:

Undefined (if compliance with the conditions under which it was issued continues to be met).

Address for completing this procedure:

Offices of the Tequila Regulatory Council at Av. Patria no. 723 C.P. 45030, Jardines de Guadalupe, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico.

Opening hours:

From 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.

For inquiries:

(33)1002-1900 ext. 1918 y 1920


  1. Written document on letterhead where the Authorized Producer requests to the Certification Body the following:
    1. Facility validation, specifying the type of facility.
    2. Full address, including neighborhood and zip code.
    3. Activities to be carried out (maturation cellar, bulk, finished product or bottling plant).
    4. Estimated date for validation.
    5. Name and telephone number of the person who will meet the inspector.
  2. Plain copy of the documentation accrediting possession of the facilities (lease contract, bail contract, deeds, etc.).
  3. In the case of a bottling plant, also attach the certification questionnaires.
  4. Documentation that proves that the facilities are suitable to perform such activities.


Agave sampling is a crucial procedure for inspecting the quality of agave used in tequila production, for assessing the sugar content and ensuring that it complies with the standards of the receiving factories. Sampling may be performed during the harvesting and transportation of the agave to the factory, ensuring that the agave used meets the requirements required by the regulations to maintain the quality and authenticity of Tequila.


Download below all the information to learn about the agave sampling method.


The Technical Opinion is the document issued by the Inspection Unit where the technical capacity of the facilities of a tequila producer is proven, regarding compliance with NOM-006-SCFI-2012. It is where a technical opinion is issued on compliance with NOM in the production of Tequila. It is one of the requirements requested by the General Directorate of Standards (DGN) of the Ministry of Economy, to grant authorization to produce Tequila and/or Tequila 100%, and the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI) for the use of the Appellation of Origin Tequila. It is also a prerequisite for certification as an Authorized Producer. Upon request and documentation, CRT personnel will inspect the manufacturer’s facilities to ensure compliance with the NOM during the production of a batch and will validate the information provided in the certification questionnaire. The inspection will cover everything from the agave’s place of origin to the finished and analyzed product. Once the results of the inspection are favorable, the Technical Opinion will be issued.


Candidates to Authorized Producers and Authorized Producers.

Documentation to be obtained:

Technical Opinion for Tequila and/or Technical Opinion for Tequila 100%.

Validity of the documentation:

Undefined (if compliance with the conditions under which it was issued continues to be met).

Response time:

The time required by the company to produce a batch of Tequila.

Address for completing this procedure:

Offices of the Tequila Regulatory Council at Av. Patria no. 723 C.P. 45030, Jardines de Guadalupe, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico.

Opening hours:

From 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.

For inquiries:

(33)1002-1900 ext. 1918 y 1920


  1. Notarized copy of the company's articles of incorporation, specifying the name of the main executives and the legal representative.
  2. Plain copy of the Federal Taxpayers Registry.
  3. Copy of the document that certifies the full possession of the property valid for at least 1 year (i.e.: deeds, lease contract or bailment contract, written document from the ejido commissariat, etc.).
  4. Application for the Provision of Services and Client's Obligations (download format).
  5. Opinion Questionnaires (download format).
  6. Original declaration under oath of truth of any existing or former relationships with other Tequila bottling or trade companies.
  7. Proof of Agave supply (proof of properties) that must match the CRT records (when the properties are not under the name of the company to be assessed, submit the supply contract between the owner of the property and the company to be assessed).
  8. Internet access in the facilities.
  9. Civil Protection Official Letter or Municipal License stating that the facilities are suitable for the activity to be carried out.
  10. Written notice specifying the start date one week in advance, including the category or categories to be inspected, as well as the address of the factory and the name and telephone number of the person who will meet the inspection.